
$SRG on BNB Chain ("BSRG"): 0x9f19c8e321bD14345b797d43E01f0eED030F5Bff

No taxes, no transaction fees

Launched with an initial theoretical liquidity (liqConst) of 20.0 BNB

100% of the total supply in the liquidity pool at launch

$SRG on Ethereum Mainnet ("ESRG"): 0xcD682EF09d07668d49A8103ddD65Ff54AebFbfDe

No taxes, no transaction fees

Launched with an initial theoretical liquidity (liqConst) of 4.0 ETH

100% of the total supply in the liquidity pool at launch

$SRG on Arbitrum ("ASRG"): 0x31ad8255cb8e428e8b0f6ab6a6f44804642720af

5% Tax on $SRG buys and sells respectively. No transaction fees

Launched with an initial theoretical liquidity of 6.9 ETH

100% of the total supply in the liquidity pool at launch

Taxes are entirely used for buybacks and burns

First burn (1.68%)

There are no swap fees whatsoever!

$SRG and the base SRG20 template contract were audited by SolidProof.io and by Cyberscope.io

The $SRG tokens on each respective chain have their respective seperate liquidity pools and therefore their independent prices.

There is no bridge between the tokens.

To easily distinguish the tokens while speaking, our community calls them: BSRG, ESRG and ASRG.

The correct token tickers for all of them are $SRG in all three chains.

Last updated