🔄Trade SRG on Blockchain Explorer
You can buy and sell $SRG tokens without connecting your wallet to anything besides BSCScan / Etherscan / Arbiscan!
Please make sure the domain you are visiting truly is bscscan.com , etherscan.io or arbiscan.io and be careful with phishing sites!
BNB: Visit BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/address/0x9f19c8e321bd14345b797d43e01f0eed030f5bff
ETH: Visit Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xcD682EF09d07668d49A8103ddD65Ff54AebFbfDe
Arbitrum One: Visit Arbiscan: https://arbiscan.io/address/0x31ad8255cb8e428e8b0f6ab6a6f44804642720af
Click "Contract", then "Write Contract"
Click "Connect to Web3" and connect your wallet using Metamask or the wallet app you prefer.
To buy, use the function 1: (_buy)
"payableAmount": insert the amount of BNB/ETH you would like to spend. If you want to purchase 0.1 BNB/ETH worth of $SURGE, please type "0.1"
"minTokenOut": This serves the purpose of slippage in SurgeSwap. As $SURGE has a built-in anti-frontrun mechanism, you can type "0" (zero) into this field.
"deadline": set the deadline for the transaction in unix time. https://www.unixtimestamp.com/ If you don't care about the deadline, please insert "10000000000" (11 digits) or any large number into this field.
To sell, use the function 2: (_sell)
"payableAmount": set this to "0" (zero)
"tokenAmount": insert the amount of tokens you would like to sell. Please use 9 decimals here. If you like to sell 100 $SURGE tokens, please type "100000000000" (add 9 zeros after the number of tokens)
"deadline": set the deadline for the transaction in unix time. https://www.unixtimestamp.com/ If you don't care about the deadline, please insert "10000000000" (11 digits) or any large number into this field.
"minBNBOut": This serves the purpose of slippage in SurgeSwap. As $SURGE has a built-in anti-frontrun mechanism, you can type "0" (zero) into this field.
Visit the next page to learn how to trade SRG20 tokens on BSCScan / Etherscan / Arbiscan!
Last updated